Doing Up a safe, secure and stimulating nursery before you give birth will help reduce pre-labour anxiety.
With a baby on the way you probably couldn’t be happier. It’s a time of joy, excitement, and wonder as the weeks pass by until your due date. This time can bring along anxiety and worry, as well as the financial aspect of having a little person to care for, feed and house. You may be overwhelmed with the thought of changing your spare room and setting up a nursery for the pending arrival, wondering if you’re making the right decorating choices, setting up the furniture properly, choosing the proper nursery kit.
1 – Choosing the Right Colours
Painting is undoubtedly one of the easiest and least expensive ways to transform a spare room into a baby’s nursery. Since the room will be meant for use by a child, it’s highly recommended to go with an eggshell paint. Eggshell paints are easily wiped down in the case of accidental dirt or grime on the walls and are one step down from glossy in terms of sheen. The glossier your paint choice, the darker it appears once painted on your wall since it reflects light. This means less fading over time, saving you money in repainting down the road.
Keeping the nursery gender-neutral is often a good idea, even in cases where you have opted to find out your baby’s sex through an ultrasound. After all, colour can have a bigger effect on your child than you think. Warm colours will create a feeling of happiness and comfort while making some smaller spaces seem more cosy and warm. Bold colour choices, like reds, oranges, and yellows, will create energy flow and promote development and growth. While both effects are desirable at certain times for babies, it’s not an either or. You may want to consider using a bold colour on a statement wall and using warm colours for the other walls. Or you may wish to break the room 2/3rds | 1/3rd by adding an interesting themed border at the level of the cot.
2 – Furniture Positioning Matters
When placing your nursery furniture in the room, it’s not about feng shui but more about practicality. You should consider the purpose of each piece of furniture and how and when they’ll be used. This means that putting the changing table beside the cot and the dresser next to your rocking chair wouldn’t flow well. The cot and chair should be placed near each other for those middle of the night feeds and a quick back to sleep. Having the changing table next to the dresser means you can easily reach a new outfit without crossing the room with a naked baby. Along with these considerations, you should avoid having the cot near a window for safety concerns, as well as to prevent your baby from being exposed to a draft while sleeping.
3 – Complete the Look with Stimulating Decor
It is widely said that babies can only see in black, white, and grey until they’re about 16 weeks old. This is why you’ll easily find so many black and white products on the market for babies. These include toys, cot bedding and blankets, wall hangings, and mobiles. When you’re shopping online, you’re sure to find many black and white options to choose from to complement whichever nursery paint colour you have chosen. Using these contrasting colours in patterns or chunks or even stripes will stimulate your little one’s vision as well as mirrored items for additional interest. This means more brain growth and development for your child just by adding a few simple décor items and toys. Hanging a black and white visually appealing picture about 12 inches above the changing table or cot will give your baby something to focus on and enjoy at a perfect distance.
Bringing home a new baby evokes so many emotions in new parents. You’ll go through periods of elation and joy, and then, on the flip side, you’ll probably experience exhaustion and tears as you settle into your new routine of parenthood. Having a safe, secure, and stimulating nursery prepared before you give birth will lessen at least some of your anxieties once you’re home from the hospital. Your baby will have a room of their own and benefit from the colours, décor, and furniture you have chosen to use for the room.
If you need to store the furniture you currently have in your spare bedroom to make space for the baby nursery, Go Store Self Storage will be able to help you chose the most suitable size store room for your needs.